
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


For the follower of Jesus, it all comes down to this: "Just walk across the room." Seven principles that can make the journey most effective.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

More In This Series

Pentecost launched a new divine movement to save the world. We know all about Pentecost and the tongues of fire, right? Well, maybe not. The secret to Pentecost is in what it followed and what it revealed about the heart of God. The clue to the final Prime Time outpouring may not be what you think.
It's an amazing story. Three thousand converted in a day. But that's not where the story ends. The sequel is even more amazing, and yielded even greater results. Combined with the modern story of "The Rescuing Hug," it's one you'll never forget. It's the divine modus operandi for the Prime Time generation.
Is it possible to be a Christian in belief but an agnostic in practice? What if prayer really did change things but we practiced it so sparingly? Consider 5 ways to pray most effectively for lost people.
Four strikingly similar parallels mark the generations of Pentecost 1 and Pentecost 2. A reminder that God can change the world once again through a small group of praying, committed Adventist Christians.
If you are a follower of Jesus, Satan fears you because he knows that you have the one truth that cannot be argued against. And no one can share it but you.
Is politics a kingdom ordained by God for the administration of social justice or the realm of pied pipers leading the naive to an unsuspecting end? How to be spiritually faithful while seeking to be socially responsible.
All atheists and Christians who discuss their convictions about God would do well to humbly consider these seven guidelines for their conversations; four specifically applicable to Christians, three to atheists.
Theodicy: If God is both all-good and all-powerful, then why is there so much suffering? It's an intellectual barrier to belief for many. But it's more than academic. Everyone will confront it personally and emotionally at some point. Best to be prepared.
Everybody suffers sometimes. Everybody suffers many times. Ever notice how this seems especially true of God's friends? The Bible does. Welcome to the truth of the pearls and the powers.
"Twas the night before primetime and all through the earth, every creature was stirring except for the Church. Donned in their kerchiefs and wrapped in their gowns, the Church was asleep as the curtain came down." Why, "God of heaven, wake us up!" is a prayer peculiarly applicable to the Prime Time Generation.
(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Fellowship Dinner

There will be a fellowship dinner this Sabbath following the second worship service in the commons on the lower level. Visitors are welcome!

Memorial Day Sabbath

On Monday, 27 May, we celebrate the supreme sacrifices made by our US military people in war and in peace. This Sabbath, let us pray for the families who live with unfulfilled dreams and precious memories of their lives and service.

Offering for May 25, 2024

Michigan Advance Partners

The Campmeeting experience is such an incredible blessing as it affords us so many things; time with family and friends, opportunities to meet new people, and inspiring meetings and seminars just to name a few. The blessings are numerous and rich. It truly is a time when it seems Heaven draws especially close.

While preparing for the Camp Meeting in 1868 very specific goals were established in order to accomplish as much as possible for the cause of Christ.

“We desire to call out as many of our brethren, both preachers and people, as we can, and also as many of our unconverted fellowmen as we may be able to interest in this meeting, that we may do them good. We want all who shall come to this meeting to come for the purpose of seeking God. We want our brethren to come for the purpose of seeking a new conversion. We want our preachers to set them in this an example worthy of imitation. We desire also to see many of our fellowmen who have no interest in Christ, or at least no knowledge of the present truth, converted to the Lord, and rejoicing in the light of His truth.”—The Review and Herald, August 18, 1868.

As we prepare for this year’s Campmeeting, and Christ’s soon coming, may we be planning and praying for the Holy Spirit’s presence to impact each one in a mighty and powerful way so that many will be recommitted to God, and others will be brought into the fold.

Today’s loose offering is for Michigan Advance Partners which helps to support Campmeeting. You can also give through the Tithe & Offering Envelope or through online giving. May God bless Campmeeting as well as each one as we give to this special cause.

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

RMES Graduation May 30

Come out and show your support for our 32 graduating 8th grade students! Graduation is 7:00 PM, Thursday, May 30 at Pioneer Memorial Church.

Pioneer Spiritual Life Survey

This quick survey will give our church leadership team a better understanding of how to lead our church. All responses are anonymous and every precaution will be taken with the data.


Andrews University Summer Camp - Registration Closes May 28!

Registration is open now and forms are due by May 28 for the Andrews University Summer Camp! Our camp is 9 weeks of Bible-based educational summer adventures for children entering grades 1–age 12 (June 10 – August 9), is held exclusively on the Andrews University campus and features Vacation Bible School-style programming and fun. Each week of camp highlights a different theme and Bible story. https://www.andrews.edu/services/crayonbox/summercamp/

Camp Kindergarten

Registration is open now and forms are due by June 3  for Camp Kindergarten! 8 weeks of adventures for kids entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024. Camp meets Monday – Thursday from June 17-August 8, 2024.  Camp hours: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Our camp is 8 weeks of Bible-based fun that promotes Kindergarten readiness skills including a A-Z letter of the day countdown and weekly spotlight hour "field trip". Our camp is held exclusively on the Andrews University campus.

Something in Common Sabbath School

 Something In Common Sabbath School presents Guardrails-Avoiding Regrets in Your Life with Andy Stanley video

  • May 18- Direct and Protect
  • May 25- Proximity
  • June 1- Forever Yours
  • June 8- Money Matters
  • June 15- The Heart of the Matter

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.

Andrews Academy’s Graduation Weekend Events

Congratulations, Andrews Academy seniors! May the same Lord who got you here lead you into the uncharted adventure ahead! “I am with you always,” is His promise.  Everyone is invited to attend the following graduation weekend events. Class Night, May 23, 7:00 PM at Andrews Academy, Consecration May 24, 8:00 PM at Village SDA Church, Baccalaureate May 25, 11:45 AM at PMC, Commencement May 26, 11:00 AM at PMC.

Adventist Heritage & American History Tour

Explore Scenic New England and it's Rich History from September 1-8, 2024

